God is Fake
"God is fake!” says Oscar Danek By: Tom Russell
Where does something like this come from, and what does it lead to?
Recently, good friends and fellow Christians Jeremy & Armanii created a Youtube video of their very positive take on Kanye West’s album praising God,
to which Oscar Danek responded; “God is fake!”
Tom Russell “Why do you say that Oscar?”
Oscar Danek “because I have a brain”
Tom Russell “That’s pretty deep Oscar. Do you have anything like evidence, facts, reasons, or silly stuff like that?”
Oscar Danek “what about god? Have you ever seen him? Oh right he’s …expletive… fake”
Tom Russell “I personally have never seen the other side of the moon, but believe it’s there based on reason and the testimony provided by others. I never saw George Washington, but believe the testimony of those who said they did. The irreducible complexity of every entity in the animal kingdom necessarily implies a designer. God is good!”
Oscar Danek “this is why I hate the human race”
Tom Russell “Why do you hate people Oscar?”
No response from Oscar
In Oscar’s comments we see intense anger, ignorance, and hatred. He hates people and believes God is fake, yet he cannot provide an intelligent explanation for either conclusion. If Oscar were unique this would be merely sad, but the prevalence of people who ferociously promote conclusions they cannot factually support or rationally explain is extremely disturbing. Ferocity combined with ignorance is a dangerous mix. I am reminded of Solomon’s admonition;
“There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death.” Proverbs 14:12
For many years I believed the “death” mentioned in the passage was limited to the spiritual death of the willfully rebellious person, but I am no longer convinced of this. History is replete with incredible destruction wrought by those “pursuing a way that seemed right”, and the historical lens clearly reveals the absurdity of their murderous bias. Yes, hindsight is 20/20, but why don’t the perpetrators recognize the injustice of their actions at the time they are committed?
Emotional Investment + Poor Training + Ignorance = Destruction
Emotional investment, often rooted in tragic childhood training, blinds the weak and the proud to their own hypocrisy. They happily visit upon others judgment and behavior they would not happily suffer themselves. For instance, those who support abortion would not, if they could, go back into the wombs of their mothers and order their own dismemberment. Those who promote socialism, which involves giving government complete power over labor and property, never support the involuntary and unwarranted seizure of their own property without fair compensation. And of course, those who proclaim “God is fake” without evidence or reason would themselves resent being treated so unfairly. If they were accused of being a “fake” or a “phony” they would deny the charge, or demand facts that support it, yet they accuse the designer of irreducibly complex design of being a “fake.” Additionally, they deny the testimony of worthy biblical witnesses, while embracing that same form of evidence in all other areas of their lives.
We were not designed by God to determine right and wrong apart from His guidance! The prophet Jeremiah stated this simple truth when he said;
“I know, O Lord, that the way of man is not in himself, that it is not in man who walks to direct his steps.” Jeremiah 10:23
If we refuse God’s leadership then we are left to our own devices which will be controlled by our own desire and remember the end of that “is the way of death!” We destroy anything inconvenient to our desire including our lives and the lives of others. The process and result of rejecting divine guidance is described by James:
“But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire. Then desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin, and sin when it is fully grown brings forth death.” James 1:14-15
Without God we have: Desire + Temptation + Sin = Death
That some conclude that “God is fake” or does not exist is not due to a simple lack of intelligence, for a very simple man can still grasp the evidence demonstrating God’s existence, appreciate Him, and love others. Neither is the problem a lack of evidence and information. People reject the evidence of God and the guidance He provides because it is inconvenient to their desires and/or fathers have failed to train their sons and daughters, and sons and daughters have become content with the failed training of their fathers.
Fathers, heed the wisdom of Solomon:
Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6