The Magnificent Law Of Our Majestic God
The Magnificent Law of our majestic god by: tom russell
There is an unconquerable universal moral law that can be summed up as “love others as you do yourself” or “do unto others as you would have them do unto you”.
A village invests countless man hours in searching for and ultimately finding a lost child. An ordinary man commits an extraordinary act of bravery by dropping from a tenth story balcony to the one below to snatch a woman intent on committing suicide. A loving family adopts two little girls of a different color from different mothers, just because they are compelled by love to cherish and serve.
The thief cannot continue to steal. The murderer cannot continue to kill. The Klan fades to obscurity. The Weathermen are forgotten. The Nazi’s are defeated. After decades of inflicting oppression, misery, and death, the Soviet Union turns to dust.
These things, so dissimilar, have an intimate connection in common – God effects and controls them all through law and time.
There is a moral code, a natural law of God, that has been common to all men throughout all time. It is as powerful and compelling as any physical law of nature. For instance, if you abuse a man or take his property without justification, he knows that you have done wrong, and therefore he knows it is wrong for him to do the same. This is a single example of the “natural law” that governs all human relationships. God is its author and has written it upon the hearts of all men according to the Apostle Paul in Romans 2:12-16.
Thus, we see, men are compelled by design to appreciate that which is honorable, and are perverse when they do not. We see this demonstrated in Paul’s explanation in Romans 1:19-21 of the condemnation that comes upon all who refuse to honor and appreciate the “eternal power and divine nature” of God after it has been clearly revealed through that which He has made. God is perfectly just, but His condemnation here and throughout the chapter would not be fair if those He condemned could not have done better. God’s just condemnation is proof that man can and should exercise righteous appreciation and fairness toward God and others.
We witness a positive expression of this moral law when we are immediately moved to affection toward children, and again when we are driven to ferocious protective anger if we see such being abused. Children are perceived to be innocent and vulnerable and typically our affection and protectiveness are involuntary. We are compelled by the “law written upon the heart.”
Another positive example is seen in the “law of attraction” between the genders. Throughout the millennia men have been attracted to women and women to men. This attraction is normal, moral, natural, and anything contrary is perceived as repulsive and abhorrent. Paul, in Romans 1:26, 27, identified men “consumed” with passion for other men, and women being passionate for women as “exchanging” the natural for the unnatural. Homosexuality is contrary to both physical and emotional design and is a violation of scriptural and natural law.
Natural Law is Universal
History and scripture reveal that we are naturally inclined to treat others as we would have them treat us. From the Amazon to the Arctic the intentional taking of human life without just cause is murder, taking another’s property without consent is stealing, laziness is despised; industriousness and serving others is appreciated and admired.
Violators of Natural/Moral Law are Inevitably Defeated
As we have seen, when God’s moral/natural law is honored it builds up those who are faithful, but it breaks down those who discard or violate it.
The oppressive rule of the Russian Czars was replaced by the even more brutal rule of the Soviets which ultimately ground itself to pieces against the relational law of God. The violation of natural/relational laws will eventually destroy even the most powerful violators. The Soviets closed churches and removed God-based religion from public life, but they could not erase the moral law written upon the hearts of Soviet citizens, which ultimately demanded “fairness” and yearned for God.
Though slavery will never be completely eradicated it is now universally condemned, and the arguments that have all but destroyed “man-stealing” are based on the unalienable rights found in Natural Law.
Two current institutions are in conflict with “natural law” and which will inevitably fail are abortion and the homosexual movement. Abortion is falling into disrepute, and all the more quickly as its ties to satanism and the sale of baby body parts becomes known to the average person. The fad of homosexuality is beginning to fade, and though its adherents would like for us to believe that 1 out of 4 is gay, the numbers are actually between 1.5- 4.5%. Even these numbers would not have been attained had leftist federal judges not intervened on behalf of the homosexual movement to thwart the will of citizens in every state. Without this coersive support and that of an aggressive presidential administration like Obama’s we will see natural law driven abhorrence forcing the LGBTQRXYZ movement back into the corner of a dark closet.
What does all of this mean? Simply this, that which is natural and good will eventually prevail. Yes, before then, more lives will be lost and more abuse will occur, but these particular examples of injustice and perversion will be seen for what they are. Their abhorrence will be known, they will be rejected by the majority and will retreat to the shadows. It is the law!